The Small Town Project is teaming up with Thin Blue Line Creative Design to host a drive-up cinema viewing of the cult classic, “The Sandlot.”
The film itself isn’t the only nostalgia factor here. Small Town Project Executive Director Duane Gurule said in a news release about the planned event that the drive-up cinema will be the first in decades to come to Southeast Colorado.
The Small Town Project is a local nonprofit in Rocky Ford that strikes up projects in economic development, community outreach through food assistance, Covid assistance, neighborhood cleanup programs and other events.
Gurule said with movie theaters closed and sporting events shut down due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the project and the design studio came together to organize some entertainment.
The drive-up cinema is planned to be hosted at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds arena (entrance located on 8th Street in Rocky Ford) on July 10. Gates are scheduled to open at 8 p.m. with the film planned to start at 9 p.m. The movie lasts 1 hour 49 minutes.
“Tickets will be offered online and must be reserved ahead,” Gurule said. “There will be a maximum of 75 vehicles. Admission is free and concessions and food will be available for purchase courtesy of Angel Baby’s Dream Food Truck.”
Additional movies are also planned. For more information visit:
